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Frankfurt am Main (Change | Determine)


Self-aware AI: How can a neural network learn to say „I do not know“?

Distance : 49 miles
11/23/2020 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM in Heidelberg (Deutschland)

Deep learning gilt derzeit als das mächtigste generische Werkzeug zur Entwicklung intelligenter Systeme. Tiefe neuronale Netze haben eine noch nie dagewesene Vorhersagegenauigkeit erreicht, so dass sie die besten bioinformatischen Techniken in der Proteinfaltungsvorhersage und die besten Sprachverständnismethoden in der Textanalyse ohne jegliche Domänenkenntnisse übertroffen haben. Neuronale ...

German Physical Society (DPG)

Queen's Lecture 2019

Distance : 260 miles
11/11/2019 5:00 PM in Berlin (Germany)

Professorin Corinne Le Quéré: „The interactions between climate change and the carbon cycle and the future we choose“ This year will be remembered as the year the world woke up to the climate crisis – and it’s about time! Climate change is unfolding as predicted by scientists repeatedly and consistently over the past thirty years at least. We can now see the changes with our own eyes, ...

Technische Universität Berlin

YES Young Earth Scientists Congress 2019 "Rocking Earth's Future"

Distance : -
09/09/2019 bis 09/13/2019 in Berlin (Germany)

The 5th International YES (Young Earth Scientists ) Congress will be held in the vibrant city of Berlin under the theme "Rocking Earth's Future". It will be a special opportunity for young scientists from all over the world to share their experiences, their science and culture and to expand their skills. Global change confronts us with major challenges such as rapid population growth, increasing ...

Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ

European Geothermal PhD Day 2019

Distance : 246 miles
02/25/2019 bis 02/27/2019 in Potsdam (Deutschland)

The European Geothermal PhD Day (EGPD) is intended to connect PhD researchers from all over Europe working in the field of geothermal energy and will celebrate its 10th anniversary at its original host institution, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Potsdam. Every year, between 50-80 young scientists from various research fields such as geology, geochemistry, rock ...

Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ

Queens Lecture 2018

Distance : 260 miles
11/05/2018 5:00 PM - 6:40 PM in Berlin (Deutschland)

Professor Susan Jebb "Diet, obesity and health: from science to policy" Poor diet is one of the leading global causes of avoidable ill-health. Obesity, driven by overconsumption, is a key issue, and in most high and middle income countries we also eat too much saturated fat, sugar and salt and too little fibre, which increase health risks independent of weight. Despite the widespread acceptance ...

Technische Universität Berlin

The World in 2050 - Towards Sustainable Development and Deep Decarbonization

Distance : 260 miles
06/01/2016 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in Berlin (Deutschland)

The Paris Agreement has been hailed as a landmark deal to fight anthropogenic climate change. But 2015 was not only the year of the UNFCCC’s COP21 in Paris, it also marks the adoption of the 17 ambitious and comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in New York. The SDGs comprise goals as diverse as the reduction of global inequality, overcoming poverty, provision of affordable and ...

Technische Universität Berlin