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Frankfurt am Main (Change | Determine)


2nd DIW Women’s Finance Summit The Future of Financial Services – Digitization, Sustainability and Post-Pandemic Growth Models

Distance : 262 miles
05/06/2021 1:00 PM - 6:15 PM in Berlin (Germany)

After failing to fully recover from the last financial crisis, the pandemic poses major new challenges for banks. However, this time, banks are not the problem, but part of the solution. By providing credit to the economy, banks play a crucial role in fighting the pandemic by ensuring the transmission of fiscal and monetary stimulus to the economy. Nevertheless, banks are not among the winners of ...

German Institute for Economic Research

Sustainable Development Goals within Planetary Boundaries: Utopia or Panacea?

Distance : -
03/04/2021 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in Berlin (Germany)

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals present a new social contract for the world in the quest to achieve ways of living and economic well-being that no longer undermines the biological and physical life-support systems that human development depends on. Currently, we are following a very dangerous path, facing potentially irreversible and disastrous impacts, due to rising global environmental ...

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Just One More Thing

Distance : 263 miles
01/21/2021 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM in (Germany)

A. L. Kennedy is a Scottish author of numerous novels, essays, and newspaper columns, with occasional appearances as a stand-up comedian; most of her novels have been translated into German, most recently: "Das Blaue Buch" [2014]", "Gleißendes Glück" [2016], "Leises Schlängeln" [2016], "Süßer Ernst" [2018], in 2020 her short story collection "We are Attempting to Survive Our Time" was ...

Mosse Lectures

Sustainable & Resilient Urban-Rural Partnerships

Distance : 185 miles
11/25/2020 bis 11/27/2020 in Leipzig (Germany)

Regions are of critical importance to achieve the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda including the Sustainable Development Goals and the HABITAT III objectives. The traditional distinction between urban and rural is imprecise and obviously shapes conflicts hindering constructive approaches. Knowledge and policies can support sustainable and resilient urban-rural partnerships at various spatial ...

Nationale Stadtentwicklungspolitik

Investing in Europe’s green and digital future

Distance : -
11/19/2020 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM in Berlin (Deutschland)

The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) – the financial pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe – has been one of the good news stories to emerge in a decade of economic uncertainty. Launched by the Juncker Commission and the EIB Group in 2014, it has gone well beyond its target of €500 billion in mobilised investments. In the meantime, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to the ...

German Institute for Economic Research

Sustainability Transformation Conference 2020

Distance : -
11/19/2020 9:45 AM - 4:00 PM in Dessau-Roßlau (Deutschland)

The German Environment Agency (UBA) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) invite you to attend a conference on “Sustainability Transformation Conference 2020: Socio-ecological transformation on the fast track – Covid-19 as catalyst of change?”.The digital conference will focus on the transformation of the economy and society to ...


The 4th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings

Distance : 207 miles
10/07/2020 bis 10/08/2020 in Benediktbeuern (Germany)

Achieving the ambitious governmental and societal goals in CO2 reduction needed to mitigate global climate change requires the contribution of all sectors including buildings and the construction industry. Historic and traditional buildings compose a considerable part of the worldwide building stock. Solutions are needed that respect the historic fabric of these buildings and yet contribute to ...

Informationszentrum Raum und Bau IRB

The land issue. Climate, economy, common good

Distance : 263 miles
09/17/2020 bis 10/25/2020 in Berlin (Deutschland)

We are living on our ground and with our ground. It feeds us, cools the earth`s atmosphere and we need it for housing, for leisure and for work. Since conservative investments lost their economical appeal, our land became an international and highly requested asset. Rising rents is one of the main symptoms. Our social market economy, our community and our success in dealing with climate change are ...

Deutsche Architektur Zentrum DAZ

Phasing out from lignite – what does that mean for the Czech power sector?

Distance : -
09/03/2020 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in Berlin (Germany)

Europe’s top-three lignite countries are Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, Europe’s lignite triangle. Over the last dozen or so months, national discussions on the gradual phasing out of lignite have accelerated in these countries. The German Coal Commission proposed to close all hard coal- and lignite-fired power plants by 2038 at the latest, and the German parliament adopted this plan. ...

Agora Energiewende - Smart Energy for Europe Platform (SEFEP) gGmbH

GEO BON Open Science Conference

Distance : 183 miles
07/06/2020 bis 07/10/2020 in Leipzig (Germany)

The GEO BON Open Science Conference and All Hands Meeting 2020 will be a milestone event that will bring together all those involved and interested in the development of Biodiversity Observation Networks and Essential Biodiversity Variables, as well as their potential to support global biodiversity monitoring and conservation post 2020 Repeated, long-term observations are crucial to detect and ...

iDiv Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung

Breaking the climate-finance doom loop

Distance : -
06/30/2020 2:30 PM in Brüssel (Germany)

Carbon Tracker and Finance Watch invite you to join us for a discussion on the risks linked to fossil fuel finance and the policy solutions available to address that risk. The threat of climate change is disrupting the entire fossil fuel system, with profound consequences on financial stability and geopolitics. We are in a doom loop where fossil fuel finance enables climate change and climate ...

Finance Watch


Distance : 260 miles
06/25/2020 6:00 PM in Berlin (Deutschland)

After having successfully navigated our first ever digital talk in May with Waugh Thistleton Architects, we are looking forward to our second talk of the semester with Helge Lunder from MDH Architects in Oslo. Continuing our semester focus on urban timber construction, MDH gained significant publicity in 2016 with their Moholt Timber Towers project, an 8-storey student housing project in CLT which ...

Institute for Architecture - Natural Building Lab

Finance Watch Dialogue: Towards a Social Taxonomy

Distance : 196 miles
06/19/2020 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in Brussels (Belgium)

The EU’s taxonomy regulation aims to reorient capital flows towards a more sustainable economy. A unified classification system should enable investors to distinguish between activities that contribute significantly to a sustainable economy and those that do not, and to invest accordingly. The current proposal for a “green taxonomy”, published in March by the European Commission’s ...

Finance Watch

Virtual Guided Lab Tour

Distance : 111 miles
06/17/2020 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in Dortmund (Germany)

Our flagships established new and innovative formats to ensure the transfer of knowledge and enter into dialogue with wide a wide variety of social groups.More than 20 innovative demonstrators and test systems in our application center illustrate the current state of logistics research for the no.1 future industryWithin the context of our virtual tour we give you an insight into the ...

Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML

Innovation Ecosystem Dortmund and Silicon Economy

Distance : 111 miles
06/17/2020 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in Dortmund (Deutschland)

In 2019, Dortmund’s Digital Innovation Hub took first place in the Champions Challenge of the European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), making it the best hub in Europe out of 500 DIHs in the announced categories “SME Orientation” and “Service Portfolio”. “This award is a great honor for us: it rewards the tireless commitment of science, business, politics and associations to develop ...

Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML

Digital Twins in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Distance : 111 miles
06/15/2020 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in Dortmund (Deutschland)

Within the next five years there will be billions of things represented by digital twins. These representatives of the physical world will lead to new possibilities for collaboration between experts of the physical world and data scientists. Digital twins are strong thought leaders who drive innovation and performance. Digital Twin technology helps companies improve the customer experience ...

Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML

Conference: Nature’s Return

Distance : 196 miles
06/03/2020 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM in Brussels (Belgium)

2020 was set to be a “super year” for nature and the planet. Then COVID-19 hit. The COP15 on Biodiversity, hosted by China, is postponed to 2021, as is the Climate COP26 hosted by the UK. Interestingly, the pandemic is also a stark boost to this agenda: it reminds us that we face permanent disaster if we do not act immediately to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystems. On 20th May, the EU has ...

Finance Watch

Closing Lecture - Kosmos: Entangled Worlds

Distance : 263 miles
11/28/2019 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in Berlin (Germany)

This lecture will be discussing Alexander von Humboldt’s role in the Age of Enlightenment and Discovery and how his idea of the ‘web of life’ resonates with Oceanic philosophies and complex networks, opening up new pathways to the future. With: Prof. Dame Mary Anne Salmond, University of Auckland Language: English A lecture in co-operation with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ...

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

The Future of Global Value Chains

Distance : 373 miles
11/19/2019 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM in Wien (Österreich)

2019 Forum on Globalization and Industrialization - UNIDO/KCG Conference: How the Fourth Industrial Revolution is Changing Global Production Networks The 2019 Forum on Globalization and Industrialization (FGI) aims to bring together policymakers, representatives from international organizations, academia and business to discuss the challenges and opportunities of technological shifts for global ...

IFW Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft

Scientific Communication then and now

Distance : 263 miles
11/14/2019 7:00 PM in Berlin (Germany)

Humboldt was a gifted scientific communicator. His lectures inspired a wide audience and his books were bestsellers. How did scientific communication function in his day, and how does it work today? With: Sir Philip Campbell (astrophysicist), Springer Nature Guest Professor, University of Heidelberg A lecture initiated by the Klaus Tschira Foundation** and the **Holtzbrinck Publishing ...

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin