Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)

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Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)

The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) was founded in 2011 to research the development of the internet from a societal perspective and better understand the digitalisation of all spheres of life. As the first institute in Germany with a focus on internet and society, HIIG has established an understanding that centres on the deep interconnectedness of digital innovations and societal processes. The development of technology reflects norms, values and networks of interests, and conversely, technologies, once established, influence social values.

We explore new models of thought and action

Modern societies are based on ever-changing sets of norms, procedures and structures that are intended to enable free and democratic coexistence. In times of fundamental social, economic and technical transformation, however, some of these institutions are reaching the limits of their ability to change and "broken concepts" are emerging. This term refers to ways of thinking, patterns of action or explanatory models that are so deeply connected to their previous context that they now seem to have come from a different era and need to be rethought. We want to research such broken concepts – such as the once-meaningful distinction between the offline and online world – and help overcome them by offering new models of thought and action. 

By doing so, we are actively shaping the society of the future. Based on the scientific competences brought together at the institute and its dedication to interdisciplinarity, HIIG can engage with current topics such as the "platformisation" of the economy and society or the use of artificial intelligence and question the underlying concepts, structures and norms.



Target group


Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)
Phone: 030 20076082


Französische Straße 9
10117 Berlin

Further profiles


Year of foundation

In year 2011

Imprint link

» Imprint


Name Industry Topic Start
Rob Kitchin: Navigating Smart Cities
Earth Sciences, Computer Science Digitization, Urban Development 05/14/2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM in Berlin (Germany) Details
Globalizing the European Media Order: The Brussels Effect in Times of Crisis
Media Print/Online, Law Digitization, Social Media 04/07/2022 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in Berlin (Deutschland) Details
Krisztina Rozgonyi and Marius Dragomir: Freedom of expression in Central and Eastern Europe
Computer Science, Media Print/Online Digitization, Social Media 03/21/2022 6:30 PM - 8:45 PM in Berlin (Germany) Details
AI and Content Moderation
Panel discussion
Computer Science, Media Print/Online, PR and Marketing, Law Democracy, Digitization, Society, Social Media 11/11/2021 6:30 PM in Berlin (Deutschland) Details
Jan-Werner Müller: The critical infrastructure of democracy
Politics, Sociology Democracy, Research, Society 10/23/2021 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM in Berlin (Germany) Details
Iyad Rahwan: How to trust machines?
Computer Science, Politics, Psychology, Social Sciences Democracy, Digitization, Society, Social Media 12/16/2020 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM in Berlin (Germany) Details
Joanna Bryson: The role of humans in an age of intelligent machines
Computer Science, Politics, Psychology Data, Digitization, Society 05/25/2020 7:00 PM in Berlin (Germany) Details
Philipp Staab – The crises of digital capitalism
Computer Science, Economy Democracy, Digitization, Society, Equality, Future of work 04/27/2020 7:00 PM in Berlin (Germany) Details
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen: The power of platforms and how publishers adapt
Media Print/Online, PR and Marketing Democracy, Digitization, Society, Social Media 12/16/2019 7:00 PM in Berlin (Germany) Details
Berlin Science Week – Sustainable Digitalisation in Urban Areas
Panel discussion
Construction Industry, Computer Science Data, Digitization, Research, Society, Urban Development 11/03/2019 7:00 PM in Berlin (Deutschland) Details
Armin Nassehi: What problem does digitalisation solve?
Philosophy, Sociology Data, Digitization, Society, Innovation 08/28/2019 7:00 PM in Berlin (Deutschland) Details
Shoshana Zuboff: Surveillance Capitalism and Democracy
Computer Science, PR and Marketing, Economy Data, Digitization, Society, Social Media 11/06/0019 7:00 PM in Berlin (Germany) Details


Name Industry Topic Start
Artificial Intelligence and the Human – Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Science and Fiction
Call for Paper
Literature, Media Film/Theater/Radio, Politics, Psychology, Sociology Digitization, Society 07/05/2021 bis 09/20/2021 in Berlin (Deutschland) Details

professional article

Name Industry Topic Date
How to identify bias in Natural Language Processing
Computer Science, Linguistics Digitization, Equality 11/29/2021 Details
When scholars sprint, bad algorithms are on the run
Specialist information
Computer Science, Media Print/Online, Sociology Data, Digitization, Research, Society, Social Media 12/03/2020 Details
“Robot judges” without training?
Computer Science, Law Data, Digitization, Society 09/25/2019 Details