Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme IVI
The Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI employs over 100 researchers in three departments. The institute collaborates closely with the universities TU Dresden and TU Bergakademie Freiberg. The institute is operating in a wide array of transport-related research and development topics, ranging from the fields of electromobility, traffic planning and traffic ecology, traffic information, vehicle propulsion and sensor technologies, while also incorporating traffic telematics, the information and communication sectors, as well as disposition and logistics. Special attention for the Fraunhofer IVI has been raised by its electronic ticketing application, its mobile public transport navigation solution SMART-WAY, and its cross-border disaster protection system. Recently, it has especially been the 30,7 m long AutoTram® Extra Grand – the world’s longest bus – equipped with hybrid propulsion technology and an electronic multi-axle steering system that has been the focus of attention.
The Fraunhofer IVI’s facilities and large equipment include high-performance laboratories, innovative test platforms and vehicles as well as modern hardware and software. In 2013, the institute’s research infrastructure was expanded by a new technical center including a vehicle hall and an adjacent test track.