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20 Organizations found
WEA World Eonomics Association
The World Economics Association (WEA) was launched on May 16, 2011. It fills a gap in the international community of economists — the absence of a truly international, inclusive, pluralist, professional association. The American Economic Association and UK’s Royal Economic Society provide broad associations mainly for their country’s economists. The WEA will do the same for the world’s ...
German Federal Environmental Foundation
The DBU funds innovative, exemplary and solution-oriented projects for the protection of the environment, with special consideration of small and medium-sized enterprises. The funding activities focus on environmental technology and research, nature conservation, environmental communication and protection of cultural assets.Since 1991, the DBU has funded more than 10,000 projects with € ...
German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
The Leopoldina originated in 1652 as a classical scholarly society and now has 1,600 members from almost all branches of science. In 2008, the Leopoldina was appointed as the German National Academy of Sciences and, in this capacity, was invested with two major objectives: representing the German scientific community internationally, and providing policymakers and the public with science-based ...
Normative Orders
Freedom and justice, tolerance and participation: the researchers in the Research Centre "Normative Orders" of Goethe University are reflecting on such rights and principles in social life. How are political, legal, religious or economic orders established, and how do they change? How do structures of power crystallize in such processes of social dynamics? How are power and life chances ...
Center for Humanities and Social Change
The Center for Humanities and Social Change at the Humboldt University in Berlin focuses on the crises of capitalism and democracy. The Center’s aim is to analyse our present situation and to provide and refine the fundamental conceptual tools that guide such analyses. With its broad thematic focus, the center takes into account the relationship between economy, society, and politics – and the ...
Policy Lab Digital, Work & Society
With the Policy Lab Digital, Work & Society, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs established a new, interdisciplinary and agile organisational unit that combines the functions and working practices of a traditional think tank and those of a modern future lab. The Policy Lab began its journey in October, 2018. The aim is to identify new areas of activity that, for the Federal ...
The Bonn Challenge
The Bonn Challenge is a global effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. It was launched in 2011 by the Government of Germany and IUCN, and later endorsed and extended by the New York Declaration on Forests at the 2014 UN Climate Summit. Underlying the Bonn Challenge is the forest landscape ...
American Economic Association
Established in 1885, the AEA is a non-profit, non-partisan, scholarly association dedicated to the discussion and publication of economics research. The Association supports established and prospective economists with a set of career-enhancing programs and services: - AEA journals - Annual Meeting - Careers - EconLit - Resources Who We Are Once composed primarily of college and university ...
Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien
WU provides space for contemplation and creativity and is a pioneer in research and teaching, all with the goal of increasing economic capability and social prosperity. WU’s faculty, staff, students, and alumni take social responsibility and are characterized by their expertise, open-mindedness, and eagerness to make a difference. WU is a leading academic institution and one of Europe’s most ...
ifo Institut
The ifo Institute can look back on a 70-year history that also shapes the Institute’s path into the future. Excellent research has always been the starting point of our activities. It provides the material with which the ifo Institute strives to shape the discourse on relevant topics in academia and in the public eye - hence our claim "Shaping the Economic Debate". It would not be possible to ...
Akademie für politische Bildung Tutzing
What does the academy represent The Akademie für Politische Bildung (Scholarship - Education - Public Services) is - An independent, publicly funded forum for the training of teachers, professionals and academics. It is also a research institution in the fields of political and social sciences, history, economics and media studies - A venue for communication and information on current and general ...
OECD - Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
The mission of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. We work with governments to understand what drives economic, social and environmental ...
Erasmus for young entrepreneurs
The European exchange programme for Entrepreneurs Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other Participating Countries. The exchange of experience takes place during a stay with the experienced entrepreneur, which helps the new entrepreneur acquire ...
Politics and Prose Bookstore
P&P’s mission, as articulated by Brad and Lissa, is this: “Politics and Prose is a D.C. based business devoted to cultivating community and strengthening the common good through books, programs, and a respectful exchange of ideas. We’re committed to exceptional customer service and to the values of independence, inclusion, and diversity.” Even as P&P confronts a changing world of e-books ...
Post Growth 2018 Conference
The Post-Growth 2018 Conference is a multi-stakeholder gathering organized by ten Members of the European Parliament representing five political groups: Philippe Lamberts, Florent Marcellesi and Molly Scott-Cato (Greens/EFA), Alojz Peterle (EPP), Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (ALDE), Marisa Matias and Helmut Scholz (GUE) and Guillaume Balas, Elly Schlein and Kathleen Van Brempt (S&D). Our key aim is to ...
The UBA’s motto, For our environment (“Für Mensch und Umwelt”) sums up our mission pretty well, we feel. As Germany’s main environmental protection agency , our task is to ensure that our fellow citizens have a healthy environment with clean air and water, free of pollutants to the greatest extent possible. Here at the UBA, we concern ourselves with an extremely broad spectrum of ...
The Club of Rome
At the invitation of Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, some 30 European scientists, economists and industrialists gathered in Rome to discuss global problems. The meeting was a monumental flop. King had asked a colleague at the OECD, the astrophysicist Erich Jantsch, to prepare a background paper for discussion. It was a brilliant essay, but too abstract, complicated and controversial. At a ...
Equal Measures 2030
The Gender Advocates Data Hub is an online platform showcasing data and evidence, data visualizations, stories, tools and country-, region-, and issue-specific resources for and by gender advocates. It looks beyond the numbers to tell stories about progress within countries and to show the faces and voices of individual women and girls and their unique perspective on progress towards gender ...
BPW Germany - BPW Club Düsseldorf e. V.
Business Professional Woman (BPW) -eines der weltweit größten Netzwerke für berufstätige Frauen. Hier treffen Sie engagierte Frauen, um sich aktiv zu vernetzen, sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen und gemeinsam auch für andere etwas zu erreichen. Wir freuen uns auf interessante Frauen aus den verschiedensten Berufssparten, Branchen und Positionen, die Ihren beruflichen Erfolg und den Aufbau ...
German Institute for Economic Research
Founded in 1925, DIW Berlin (the German Institute for Economic Research) is one of the leading economic research institutes in Germany. The Institute analyzes the economic and social aspects of topical issues, formulating and disseminating policy advice based on its research findings. DIW Berlin is part of both the national and international scientific communities, provides research infrastructure ...