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5 Organizations found
Lionesses of Africa
Welcome to the home for Africa's women entrepreneurs. We're all about women entrepreneurs celebrating success, exchanging stories, connecting and networking, learning from like-minded women, and inspiring and mentoring the next generation of women-led startups in Africa. Lionesses of Africa was inspired by the realisation that, just as for lionesses in the prides that live and hunt on the plains ...
Creative Hub Frankfurt
The Center of Creative Industries of the Frankfurt Economic Development focuses on strengthening the creative economy on location and on promoting the Creative Hub Frankfurt. We work very closely with the municipal offices and see ourselves as an on-site information and network node. In this sense we provide and support specialized communication platforms for creative industry businesses. We ...
Erasmus for young entrepreneurs
The European exchange programme for Entrepreneurs Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other Participating Countries. The exchange of experience takes place during a stay with the experienced entrepreneur, which helps the new entrepreneur acquire ...
BPW Germany - BPW Club Düsseldorf e. V.
Business Professional Woman (BPW) -eines der weltweit größten Netzwerke für berufstätige Frauen. Hier treffen Sie engagierte Frauen, um sich aktiv zu vernetzen, sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen und gemeinsam auch für andere etwas zu erreichen. Wir freuen uns auf interessante Frauen aus den verschiedensten Berufssparten, Branchen und Positionen, die Ihren beruflichen Erfolg und den Aufbau ...
KOMPASS – Centre for entrepreneurship
Kompass – Center for Entrepreneurship, was established in 2000, as a public entity in the city of Frankfurt. Ever since its inception, Kompass has distinguished itself and gained wide recognition for its stepping up to the changing social and economic market conditions. This is evident in Kompass’ wide reach, from offering training and education for the unemployed, providing startup ...