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4 professional article found
Ecological Economics in relation to a digital world
The digital revolution has taken place in a social and institutional context dominated by specific conceptual and institutional perspectives. Neoclassical economics and neoliberalism has made monetary profits (in unlimited amounts) and economic growth in GDP-terms legitimate. Today we understand increasingly that sustainable development with the 17 UN sustainable development goals is a partly ...
Reinventing Prosperity
The biggest challenges facing the rich world today are persistent unemployment, widening income inequality, and accelerating climate change. Until now, most of the solutions to these problems have been politically unacceptable, in a world marked by short-termism and a desire for continuous economic growth.In Reinventing Prosperity, Graeme Maxton and Jorgen Randers take a radically different ...
New Urban Agenda: Implementation Demands Concerted Effort Now
The New Urban Agenda (NUA) adopted in 2016 at the Habitat III Conference (the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development) is to serve as a framework for global urban development over the next twenty years. The conference offered the first chance to transfer these sustainability and legally- binding climatemitigation goals to the level of the cities. The NUA deals ...
Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities
The momentum of urbanization and its impacts are so massive that we must face up to this trend. What kind of homes should people live in? Where can they settle? How close may their neighbours encroach on them? These questions are as old as our civilization, but in the 21st century they are being asked in a new way. Because this century is characterized by a contradiction dynamic that eclipses ...