Gene Editing for the Climate: Biological Solutions for Curbing Greenhouse Emissions
09/15/2020 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM in Washington, D.C. (United States of America)
Public investments in research and development that aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions to date have focused heavily on physics and chemistry. It’s time for biology to play a much bigger role. Recent breakthroughs in gene editing are unlocking vast opportunities to mitigate climate change. They range from enhancing the efficiency of photosynthesis to reducing methane emissions from cows to optimizing crops for biofuel production, and much more. A broad, coordinated effort across the U.S. government, in close collaboration with agriculture, industry, international partners, and the public should move these solutions forward.
Join ITIF for a presentation of a new report on gene-edited solutions for climate change and a panel discussion on the implications of these technologies.
Senior Fellow, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Moderator
Senior Fellow, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Presenter
Former Senior Policy Analyst, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Presenter
Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology and the Genome Center, UC Davis, Panelist
Head of Genome Editing and Yield, Disease & Quality Research, Bayer Crop Science, Panelist