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From Eugenics to Big Data
A Genealogy of Criminal Risk Assessment in American Law and PolicyJonathan Simon (UC Berkeley, Professor of Criminal Justice Law)Algorithms – and the actors behind them – are surveying and impacting ever more dimensions of our modern lives. They recommend which movies to watch; they calculate risk-appropriate credit scores; and they play a role in meting out “just” punishment; to only name ...
From Eugenics to Big Data
A Genealogy of Criminal Risk Assessment in American Law and PolicyProf. Jonathan Simon (Professor of Criminal Justice Law, UC Berkeley)Convenors: Prof. Christoph Burchard (Goethe University, Professor of Criminal Justice, PI of ConTrust and "Normative Orders") and Prof. Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann (Goethe University, Professor of Public Law, PI of ConTrust)Presented by:Forschungsverbund ...
IE University - The Center for the Governance of Change (CGC)
... effects. The CGC produces pioneering impact-oriented research that cuts across disciplines and methodologies to unveil the complexity of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain, and Robotics, and explore its potential threats and contributions to society. Moreover, the CGC also runs a number of executive programs on emerging tech for public institutions and ...
Why Fairness Cannot Be Automated
... notions of discrimination are not equivalent. In this talk, Sandra Wachter, Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School and Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow in Law and Ethics of AI, Big Data, robotics and Internet Regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) at the University of Oxford, examines EU law and jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice concerning ...
Social Networks or Social Nightmares?
A decade ago social networks, big data and artificial intelligence were welcomed for their promise of progress and democratization of access. Today, the focus has shifted to their dark side as a threat to our privacy, a danger to democracy and as a new form of surveillance. Three of the world’s leading activists of the electronic age gather to discuss our digital future. Roger McNamee, an early ...
Big Data and Spurious Correlations
Big data analytics is a remarkable new field of investigation. However, the effectiveness of the new field seems to encourage an aggressive “philosophy” or “methodology” based on the dictum that “with enough data, the numbers speak for themselves”. We show, using Ramsey theory and algorithmic information theory, that this view is radically wrong. Specifically, we prove that, exactly ...
„Scraping the Demos“: Political Epistemologies of Big Data
The conference explores political epistemologies of big data. Political epistemologies are practices by which societies construct politically relevant knowledge and the criteria by which they evaluate it. Big data is the practice of deriving socially relevant knowledge from massive and diverse digital trace data. Practices such as “big data analysis”, “web scraping”, “opinion mining”, ...
Show Me Your Data and I’ll Tell You Who You Are
The Oxford Internet Institute is excited to present OII faculty member Dr Sandra Wachter for the talk "Show Me Your Data and I'll Tell You Who You Are" in London. We know that Big Data and algorithms are increasingly used to assess and make decisions about us. Algorithms can infer our sexual orientation, political stances, and health status. They also decide what products or newsfeeds are shown ...
The Effects of Digitalization on Gender Equality in the G20 Economies
This study investigates how the digital revolution, which is characterized by artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and mobile robotics, will affect gender equality in G20 countries, and how governments and non-governmental initiatives may exploit the new digital technologies to narrow these gender gaps in the future. The study focuses on four areas to derive its policy ...