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by organizations or events, calls for proposals and papers providing information and solutions on the sustainability goals of the Agenda 2030. Participate in the present shaping the future.
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On the way to a digitally integrated agriculture?
In two newly published reports TAB sheds light on development trends in digital agricultural technologies and analyses the opportunities and risks of a systemically integrated agriculture. The corresponding Policy Briefs are now available in English.Agriculture is a highly technical economic sector whose production processes are based on the use of natural resources and the keeping of animals. How ...
The trend towards de-globalization
... countries.This event is organized by the Department of Global Business and Trade and will be held online onlyLecture / discussion:Hafiz Mirza, Lead, Responsible Agricultural Investment Research, Agriculture & Investment Economic Law & Policy Programme, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Canada/SwitzerlandRajneesh Narula, The John H. Dunning Chair in International ...
Agriculture shall produce high-grade food and renewable resources in a reliable manner. In future, agricultural production will face increasing pressure to release fewer greenhouse gases and air pollutants. International agreements on climate change mitigation and air pollution control oblige Germany to reduce emissions. As agriculture is the largest source of some greenhouse gases – nitrous ...
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Food and agriculture are subjects that affect all citizens directly. A balanced, healthy diet and safe foods, clear information for consumers when purchasing food, strong and sustainable agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors, and good prospects for our rural areas are important objectives for the BMEL. The BMEL offices in Bonn and Berlin, with approximately 900 staff, are committed to ...
OECD - Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
... change. We measure productivity and global flows of trade and investment. We analyse and compare data to predict future trends. We set international standards on a wide range of things, from agriculture and tax to the safety of chemicals. We also look at issues that directly affect everyone’s daily life, like how much people pay in taxes and social security, and how much leisure time they can ...
Gene Editing for the Climate: Biological Solutions for Curbing Greenhouse Emissions
... photosynthesis to reducing methane emissions from cows to optimizing crops for biofuel production, and much more. A broad, coordinated effort across the U.S. government, in close collaboration with agriculture, industry, international partners, and the public should move these solutions forward.Join ITIF for a presentation of a new report on gene-edited solutions for climate change and a panel ...
Debora L. Spar – Work Mate Marry Love: How Machines Shape Our Human Destiny with Kara Swisher
... has transformed our intimate lives in the past, and how it will do so again in the future. Surveying the course of history, she shows how marriage as we understand it resulted from the rise of agriculture, and that the nuclear family emerged with the industrial revolution. In their day, the street light, the car, and later the pill all upended courtship and sex. Now, as we enter an era of ...
e-Learning on Digital Agriculture
... access to markets, improve nutritional outcomes and enhance resilience to climate change. These technologies range from mobile apps to digital identities for farmers to solar applications for agriculture to portable agriculture devices. DATs are increasingly becoming indispensable in the global food and agriculture sector, from fast and convenient information delivery to providing virtual ...